Thursday, November 06, 2008


Well, I learned a lesson the hard way last sunday--one that I should have known already. I was at the lake with my almost whole family- my inlaws, my husband, kids, even my sister-in-law's dog! We walked around the lake, played at the park area for a while, and got back to my van only to discover that someone--in the light of day (high noon) with many people around and in a crowded parking lot--had smashed out my van window and stolen my purse.
What a violation. It's somehow my fault for leaving my purse locked in there, but it doesn't make it any easier to accept. Of course there's the hassel of canceling and replacing the credit cards, checkbook, insurance cards, cell phone.... but it's the personal items that are not so easy to replace. The $120 in cash isn't so easy to replace either. I NEVER have cash--go figure! Heck even the purse itself was vintage and it came from Amsterdam.
ANYWAY...I'm just telling you this so that you too can be aware. Especially with the Holidays coming, don't leave anything of value in your car. Even a trunk is not a safe place and especially if you lock something in your trunk while you're IN the parking lot of a store or mall. People hide and out and watch for just that kind of thing.
I don't mean for this to be a downer, but I hate when this kind of thing happens and I don't want it to happen to anyone else.
Be safe, be aware.

1 comment:

Regina said...

I am SO sad to hear this happened to you. Thank you for taking the time to remind us to be careful.